Research and Resources

Resources for Urban Planning

8 ways to create great places
Our Approach to Making Great Urban Places
A printable card deck which details the eight essential "to do's" in designing and building urban spaces.
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CNU signatures
The Charter of the New Urbanism (CNU)
A set of defining principles for the CNU: "The Congress for the New Urbanism views disinvestment in central cities, the spread of placeless sprawl, increasing separation by race and income, environmental deterioration, loss of agricultural lands and wilderness, and the erosion of society’s built heritage as one interrelated community-building challenge."
Urban Parking in Practice Report
Urban Parking in Practice.
The Lander Group explores the five factors of urban parking design and examples of practical execution.
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Urban Parking in Practice Report
A Win-Win For Everyone.
How does planning for all transportation options benefit cities? This convincing case study diagrams how Transit Oriented Development works by the numbers. Current typical scenarious of a village, town, and city are compared.
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ULI Report Saint Petersburg Florida
ULI Advisory Services Panel Report for St. Petersburg, Florida
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ULI Report
ULI Advisory Services Panel Report for Warm Springs / South Fremont Station, California
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ULI Report Napa Oxbow District
ULI Technical Services Panel Report for Napa Oxbow District California
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Build:PublicBuild:Public brings and integrated approach to empower cities, developers, neighborhoods, and other groups to come together to imagine, fund, build, and maintain great public spaces. Visit website.

Watch SGA interview with Michael Lander:

Smart Growth America

Smart Growth America works with elected officials at all levels, real estate developers, chambers of commerce, transportation and urban planning professionals, and residents to improve everyday life for people across the country through better development.

Michael Lander discussing the space between the buildings.

Building Small

Building Small ToolkitBuilding Small is an idea with impact.  Integrating the best thinking in social responsibility, economic resilience, and authentic placemaking Building Small: The Initiative is a big idea about small.